First Impressions

With the launch of my new website and the ability to be able to put some of the crazy thoughts about real estate into a blog, I’ve been having many realizations about my profession that previously were there but were without an outlet. Lucky for you, I’ve fixed that ?

Yesterday, I had clients come into my office just to see me and say “hi”. They are moving from MN and are currently living in an extended stay hotel while their beautiful new homes goes through escrow. I appreciated this gesture so much and was very happy to see them! While we were looking for homes, we exchanged a lot of conversation and, I would say, became fast friends. 

This got me thinking about how much real estate is a relationship business. This was something that I already knew but it became so much more apparent when I started to think about how many of my past clients are currently my friends. Friends who have enriched my life and I value dearly. 

Since I work with many long distance clients, my thoughts yesterday after I visited with my MN clients/friends, were that I was honored that they WANTED to come visit with me! A long distance move to a place where you don’t know anyone can be scary and stressful. You’re leaving what you know and taking a leap of faith. You may be really hopeful that Your Next Hometown is just as good as your last and the friends you will make in your new city will make it feel like home. 

We as Realtors, are most times the first people they will meet in their new city. That’s special. We have so much influence over their first impressions. We are not only helping find their next home, we are helping them build a life around that home. There is enormous value in this. We are the first “friend” some will have in their new place. This shouldn’t be taken lightly. This is one of the reasons this profession is my perfect fit and one of the most rewarding parts of what I do. I know how it feels to be the newcomer. If I can help someone feel at ease with their new city, the buying process, the selling process, the escrow process or anything else that comes up along the way, I know I’m being a beneficial asset in their lives.

I feel, there is some serious value in being a Realtor. If your heart is in the right place, this profession pays you back way more than money ever could. 

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Your Next Hometown

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